The Meter and Instrumentation Technician Training Program is a skill refresher course for students who are interested in this career. Students will learn the roles and responsibilities of being a meter and instrumentation technician, working safety requirements and safety codes, the operation of essential tools and common material, and reading the site plan. By taking the program, students can refresh their practical knowledge and skills and optimize their past experience to adapt to Canadian construction sites. Upon successfully finishing the course, students will receive the certificate, 30 minutes of career planning, and job referrals that help them step out of the first step on the career transition in Canada.
The tuition for this course is $3000.
Advantages and course features Location:
Metro Vancouver Community College is a comprehensive education service organization located in the beautiful center of Richmond, BC. Committed to cultivating high-quality elite talents who adapt to the educational environment in North America, and providing students with a full range of services, from curriculum planning, vocational training.